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- Greetings dudes and welcome to my article which is of course about the series of
- books by TSR (tm) called the DRAGONLANCE saga.These books are an extremely
- interesting read,the characters are really good and the fantasy world of Krynn
- (where the saga takes place) is both beautiful and dangerous (a bit like Green
- Bertie's sister.......),although I have only read a couple (7) of the books I
- am hooked and would recommend them to anyone who is remotely interested in any
- kind of fantasy.They cost about 5 Irish pounds or 4.50 in Britain,in Ireland I
- find that the shop which has the best selection of these has got to be Easons
- in O'Connell Street,which stocks just about every DRAGONLANCE book there is
- available (although Virgin Megastore seem to get the newer DRAGONLANCE books
- a hell of a lot faster than EASONS for 1p cheaper too!!!!).
- It's a bit of a bastard knowing on which book to start as there are so many of
- them,so here is THE correct order in which you should get 'em...
- ---------------------------- Chronicles Trilogy -----------------------------
- Book 1."Dragons Of Autumn Twilight"
- Book 2."Dragons Of Winter Night"
- Book 3."Dragons Of Spring Dawning"
- ----------------------------- Legends Trilogy -------------------------------
- Book 1."Time Of The Twins"
- Book 2."War Of The Twins"
- Book 3."Test Of The Twins"
- ------------------------------- Tales Trilogy --------------------------------
- Book 1."The Magic Of Krynn"
- Book 2."Kender,Gully Dwarves and Gnomes"
- Book 3."Love And War"
- ------------------------------ Heroes Trilogy --------------------------------
- Book 1."The Legend Of Huma"
- Book 2."Stormblade"
- Book 3."Weasel's Luck"
- ------------------------------ Preludes Trilogy ------------------------------
- Book 1."Darkness And Light"
- Book 2."Kendermore"
- Book 3."Brothers Majere"
- ------------------------------ Heroes II Trilogy -----------------------------
- Book 1."Kaz,The Minotaur"
- Book 2."The Gates Of Thorbardin"
- Book 3."Galen Beknighted"
- ------------------------------ Preludes II Trilogy ---------------------------
- Book 1."Riverwind,The Plainsman"
- Book 2."Flint,The King"
- Book 3."Tanis,The Shadow Years"
- --------------------------- Elven Nations Trilogy ----------------------------
- Book 1."Firstborn"
- Book 2."The Kinslayer Wars"
- Book 3."The Qualinesti"
- ---------------------------- The Meetings Sextet ------------------------------
- Book 1."Kindred Spirits"
- Book 2."Wanderlust"
- Book 3."Darkheart"
- Book 4."The Code And The Measure" (Out in April 1992)
- Book 5."Steel And Stone" (Out in September 1991)
- Book 6."The Companions" (Out in January 1993!)
- * Coming Soon *
- ---------------------------- Tales II Trilogy ---------------------------------
- Book 1."The Reign Of Istar" (Out in April 1992)
- Book 2."The Cataclysm" (Out in July 1992)
- Book 3."The War Of The Lance" (Out in November 1992)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Events which you should note B4 going on.
- The Cataclysm
- The Cataclysm was a huge disaster hurled on ansalon by the Gods when the King-
- Priest of Istar (a sort of Pope whose Church was set in the Rome of Ansalon,
- Istar.) began to become a bastard,he lost interest in his people and appointed
- ministers to look after the people's need's.People were getting more evil than
- ever under the so called `Church' and Quareth (second only to the Kingpriest)
- was a kind of pseudo hitler who suggested that the Churches forces exterminate
- all Ogres from the face of Ansalon in a huge crusade.Things got very bad when
- the Kingpriest decided to question the Gods or Demand that they help him and
- come down from the heavens to help him,instead they hurled an Apocalyptic
- disaster on Ansalon causing ocean to cover the land and mountains to rip apart,
- this drastically re-arranged Ansalon's geographic feature's and killed an
- un-countable number of people.Needless to say that after this the survivors
- were a bit miffed about a cataclysm so they refused to pray to the Gods and
- thought that the Gods had turned their backs on Krynn and left the people to
- themselves,thus religion in Ansalon was terminated for a very long time.
- The War of the Gates or something like that
- As the cataclysm was occuring the mountain dwarves fled into their secure
- kindom built into the mountains and waited for the cataclysm to burn out.
- Unfortunately their cousins the Hill-Dwarves had no protection from the
- Cataclysm and when they arrived through the storms and Earthquakes of the
- Cataclysm to the mountain fortress of Thorbardin they found the cold steel
- gates closed and locked and not about to be opened,thus the Hill Dwarves
- waited outside and suffered the brunt of the death and destruction of the
- Cataclysm.
- Thats all I can reveal ta you for now!!
- Here's a nifty character description of the heroes of the lance.
- Tanis,Half-Elven
- Tanis is a half elf who's mother was raped by a human soldier travelling through
- Qualinost (a large city in the the continent of Ansalon),his mother died when
- he was a nipper or knee high to a grasshopper (as Gazzer just said).Tanis was
- raised by Solostaran,the Speaker of the Suns in the royal house in Qualinost.
- When he was growing up he had fuck all mates and was shunned by his people for
- being half-human,he had only one friend,a friend for life called Flint Fireforge
- who is a hill-dwarf and master craftsman.Tanis was the leader of the heroes,
- during the War of The Lance.
- Flint Fireforge
- Flint is a hill dwarf,hill dwarves (proper spelling is Dwarfs I know but I take
- it that J.R.R. Tolkiens spelling is slightly more correct as he invented the
- dwarf that is used in fantasy settings) are lower in social class than their
- cousins the Mountain Dwarves.During the incredibly destructive Cataclysm it
- was Flints ancestors who were left outside to rot when the Mountain Dwarves
- shut the gates of Thorbardin.Flint is a master craftsman and when he was a
- little younger before the Cataclysm he made cool metal objects and toys for
- people (he actually made a lot of stuff for the Qualinesti elves,and befriended
- Tanthalas (Tanis) Half-Elven there.Pretty mean rocker with a throwin' axe as
- well.He was one of the companions of the Lance and his personal little traits
- include grumbling and quoting his mothers sayings.
- Goldmoon
- Goldmoon is a sexy barbarian,the daughter of the chieftain of the infamous
- Qu' Shu tribe.She was the one who was given the staff of Mishakal by Riverwind
- and is responsible for spreading the old religion among the people again.
- Gazzer/Eclipse seems obsessed with her character (She's not real Gazz,unlike
- Theresa+Cal!!!!)
- Sturm BrightBlade
- Sturm is a desciplined Knight of Solamnia who lives by a Code of Honour and
- self denial,he's definately my favourite character.Sturms father was also
- a Knight of Solamnia who disappeared on some quest or something,and which
- Sturm spent much time trying to locate.Sturm was a good friend of Tanis and
- a valued member of the companions,who suffered a lot because of his bravery
- and honour.
- Tasslehoff Burrfoot
- Tasslehoff is a Kender.Yes,you're right a kender is a small demi-human of
- Krynn who are smaller than humans but a bit bigger than dwarves,about the
- size of a small kid.They are naturally curious about everything and often
- `borrow' other peoples possessions,they cannot experience fear.Tas fucked
- up a lot in the war but also saved the world a few dozen times.You could
- write several books on this characters but sadly you'll have to find out
- the rest yourself!
- Tika Waylan
- Tika was a bar-maid before the war of the lance,she fell in love with
- Caramon and joined the companions as a not too skilled fighter!She
- apparently has `huge assets' up top if ya know wot I mean and come to
- think of it I'm pretty obsessed with her character......(sorry Theresa!)
- Caramon Majere
- Caramon is a musclebound steroid abuser who is about twice the size of a normal
- person.Unfortunately his brain isn't very `matured' but he's Raistlin's twin
- brother and gaurdian.Caramon developed some pretty bad traits in the Legends
- Book 1........
- Raistlin Majere
- Raistlin is the twin brother of Caramon and is as frail as hell, Raistlin
- may be a wimp physically but he's a crafty fucker!He practiced magic from
- a very young age,having a natural talent for it and soon became the most
- powerful force of magic and evil in Krynn.He's a cool character and again
- books or even Scrollies could be written about him unfortunately......
- Laurana
- Qualinesti Elf and Tanis' bird.(Gazzer is obsessed with 'er - HA HA,scroll
- text payment!).She's a crap fighter but ended up leading the armies of
- Ansalon against the Dark Queen Takhissis because of her mental and emotional
- strength.She's also the daughter of The Speaker of the Sun in Qualinost
- and Tanis' cousin (incest!).
- Now you know what order to buy the books in and what the Characters are
- like so BUY the books!
- Next issue I'll be concentrating on the Villains of Dragonlance and I'll
- take an in depth look at the Meetings Sextet,well whats available anyway.
- But for now I gotta Edit,BYE!
- Peter.